
Information — Links to HEMA websites and videos

Wiktenauer — a wiki of HEMA-related information

Björn Rüther’s HEMA Videos — YouTube videos that demonstrate a range of longsword techniques

HEMAReviews — Video reviews of HEMA gear and occasional tutorials

Equipment — Vendors that make or sell HEMA gear

Purpleheart Armory — US Vendor that carries a variety of HEMA gear

Sparring Gloves — Gloves for HEMA

HEMA Supplies — US importer of HEMA gear

SPES Historical Fencing Gear — Makers of the popular SPES Heavy gloves, as well as jackets and other HEMA gear

Gajardoni — Italian manufacturer of HEMA protective equipment

Neyman Fencing — Manufacturers of a wide range of HEMA gear with a web store for direct orders

Leon Paul — Maker of fencing gear with a line of HEMA-specific gear

Other HEMA Organizations

Historical European Martial Arts Alliance — A world-wide organization of HEMA clubs and groups, of which Athena School of Arms is an affiliate

Historical European Martial Arts Alliance Event Listing — A list of events sponsored by the HEMA Alliance

New England Sword Gathering — A list of local events hosted by all clubs in New England